Please wait music loading and you'll listen to Brunella's song: "Diletta figlia mia" dedicated to Beatrice Morcaldi

                                                            Sing a New Song to the Lord.

The new song, the Psalmist here is talking about, is the song of love: that is, a song that comes out of the heart and aims at the heart. This is the Brunella Pavone’s song, the architect that has renounced her splendid career to pursue the fascinating way of songwriter and singer.
Thus is the song that springs from these short and inspired works that in a short time, like a miracle, have reached its second edition, reviewed and expanded, with thousand copies.
Brunella’s loves? God, the Family, Padre Pio and his Confreres.
A view with horizons with no ends in sight that encircle each and every aspect of human feelings where love for Padre Pio plays the ‘leit motiv’ that overwhelms and enraptures, fascinates and conquers.
The best wishes to these ‘ dolce stil novo’ sweet new style songs. May they reach the very ends of the earth and, on their triumphant journey, may touch many hearts.
                                                                                                                                 Fr. Gerardo Di Flumeri
         V. Postulatore

Listen to the message of Father Pio



‘When I ask myself the reason of this my live and joyful restless, this my anxiety with all possible forms of expressions, I find an answer in the deep of my heart: I have seen and this also thanks to Padre Pio, a small light that as long I go on, it becomes ever and ever clearer and bigger, a light bearer of infinite joy and superior to all forms of fashions, so foolish and perishable and so I renovate continuously myself and my certitude that others will come to me, sing with me and will be taken with me in this remunerating eternal light . If you think that I have something that I can pass on to you or that my story could be of interest to you or you would like to invite me for a musical performance or testimony do not hesitate: write to me.

Brunella Pavone – Via XXIV Maggio N° 46, 86100 Campobasso – Italy 


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